Avijja Paccaya Sankhara
The Paccaya sutta states that whether or not there are Buddhas who see it this elemental fact dhātu or principle just stands. The following additional information may be helpful to some readers. Avijja Paccaya Sankhara Ajahn Sumedho 02 07 2021 Youtube Avijja ignorance sankhara volitional action vijnana consciousness vedana feeling etc. . Bucknell analysed four versions of the twelve nidanas to explain the existence of various versions of the pratitya-samutpada sequence. Revised August 12 2019. July 4 2022 Note. Now you can select the dark mode good for nighttime reading or the regular mode by clicking the crescent Moon icon at the bottom right. As discussed above any type of birth starts with an opapātika birthFurthermore the subtle manomaya kāya produced by kammic energy is unimaginably small We can consider an analogy to get an idea. Javana Power in Kamma Viññāna Responsible for All Births.